Monday, February 28, 2005

Yeah, What Jason Said

Kudos to Jason on a fine post. I could not agree more. Canada has officially become Puerto Rico North and few realize it. The Liberal government keeps dishing up shit to the masses and they line up for seconds. What happened to Canada?? Its a friggin disgrace if you ask me. I would like to add some points to Jason's fabulous Top Ten list, if I might be so bold. So here I go, a bunch more reasons why Canada licks balls.

1. Canada will soon surpass Western Europe in terms of rampant socialism.
2. The CBC
3. The collective blinders Canadians wear when it comes to hatred of W. and Americans in general. Canadians and the aforementioned CBC love to sew putrid venom on Republicans for their ties to Haliburton, but completely ignore Paul Martin's shipping conglomerate, the AdScam scandal, and Chretien's ties to Paul Desmarais and TotalFinaElf, which as you may or may not know, stood to make billions on oil contracts IF Saddam stayed in power. No wonder Canada opted out of Iraq. Principled stand my ass!
4.Socialized health care. Really, who wants to go to the Doctor when it resembles going to the DMV?
5. 14% sales tax.
6. The refusal of Canadian intellectuals to believe that socialism does not work. The nanny state is not what Canada needs.
7. A military that scares no one except the men and women that are forced to use our equipment.
8. The NDP, nothing like having Commies in charge of a few provincial governments.
9. The Liberals shameless lack of a backbone. If the people are for it, they are against it. Unless it means a chance to thumb their nose at America.
10. French

Of course this list is by no means exhaustive, just a random sampling of why I hate Canada on February 28th, 2005.


Please note that until Canada falls apart, I reserve the right to cheer for Canadian hockey at all international hockey events.

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