Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Welcoming Myself Back

Hello All, or perhaps, Hello No one.

It has been an unusually long hiatus from my blogging duties. To recap the missing 13 months, I got engaged, started two new jobs, finished my 2nd year of law school, had back surgery, planned most of the wedding, took a bunch of trips, did rehab for my back, started playing hockey again, organized a major fundraiser and voted in the Canadian election.

For those of you who don't know, Canada has freed itself from the shackles of the corrupt Libranos and are basking in the Conservative limelight. PM Stephen Harper is doing a bang up job, and has already visited the troops overseas, a first since WLM King. The world has not ended and Canada continues to function, despite the protestations of the CBC and Toronto Star.

I am very proud to have voted for him (or his part at least) and am ecstatic at how things are going.

In the next few days and weeks (I am sooooo Cup Crazy right now) I will be blogging more. My cause du jour is the villification of Wal-Mart and why that is so gay.

Also congrats to my co-poster, Jason, on his recent nuptuals.

Kyle Out.

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