Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Good Morning Everyone,

So much to post on today and so little time! For now I will concentrate on W.'s visit to Canada. Hopefully this will do some good in restoring cordial relations between Canada and the USA. This is certainly in Canada's economic interest, though you could never tell by the way protestors are lining up. Its a pretty sad day when the American president cant even address Canada's parliament for fear of heckling from the MPs. I think its high time our politicians grew up and stopped feeding Canadians anti-American sentiments just to draw attention away from their own ineptness and corruption.

Canadians are, of course, welcome to protest whatever they wish. The problem I have with them is that you never see them out in the streets condemning terrorism or anti-Semitism or China's or Cuba's human rights abuses. However, W. comes to town and all of a sudden its 1969 and the streets fill with protestors. I appreciate their passion (why is it that when the left gets mad, they are passionate, and when conservatives get mad, they are just angry?) and their committment to what they believe in, but I do wish they would read a little more and lose some of their innocence. I am sure the Iraqi people appreciate them taking to the streets in their name, but I am also sure that these same Iraqis would have liked some attention when Saddam was burying them in mass graves.

Continuing on my way, I had the misfortune to hear one Gail Davidson on the Peter Warren radio program this past Sunday. Ms. Davidson is a member of L.A.W., or Lawyers Against the War. I should clarify that, she is a co-founder. Their website can be found at www.lawyersagainstthewar.org. Anyhow, her group wants to prosecute Mr. Bush for war crimes for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She contends that his actions are against Candadian and International law. This is all well and good, and Ms. Davidson is obviously a very motivated lady.
However, she too is also a little misguided in my opinion. Why isn't she attempting to prosecute Fidel Castro when he comes to Canada. I doubt he will back until another Trudeau dies, but really, whats wrong with old Fidel. Not enough murder or oppression?

Further, I have an issue with her reliance on international law. I know its out there, but does anyone care? I dont think it has any real world application. What good is international law without an army to back it up? Just because the incredibly corrupt UN says something is illegal, I wouldnt lose any sleep over it. Assuming international law exists and is workable, how does one bring criminals to justice? Would Ms. Davidson have showed up in Bagdhad with a summons requesting Saddam to please show up at Court of Queen's Bench in Ottawa to answer some charges? Come on, this is borderline ridiculous. Just a quick reminder to L.A.W., no one cares what Canada thinks, does or says anymore. 40 years of Liberal rule and waste have run the country into the ground.

The last point I will make on L.A.W. is that I was really disappointed that Ms. Davidson didn't answer questions put to her. She did take calls, but any question or comment that ran contrary to her opinion was danced around or ignored outright. The host, Peter Warren, even declared some of the questions un-worthy of answering. That was especially rich as Mr. Warren considers himself somewhat of a tough interview. If you want to go on the radio and espouse nonsense such as this, you should be prepared to answer the tough questions.

Ok, I am about done for this morning. I am off to do some outlining for school. Finals are only 10 days away!!

Kyle out.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Just a super brief thought. If Democrats/left wingers/conspiracy nuts etc., think G.W. Bush is so dumb, and he beat you guys in two straight elections.....doesn't that make you dumber than him?

Please discuss and think of new ways to call me Nazi, racist, homophobe or whatever your insult du jour is? I tell ya, those insults really help your cause!!

K to the Y-L-E

Happy Thanksgiving All!!

I realize I am still nominally Canadian, but I think I will begin to celebrate American holidays to push the last vestiges of my socialist, multi-cultural, Canuckistani upbringing out of my being.

I found today that another good friend whom I went to high school with has once again rejected Canada. He was living abroad for a few years and when he returned, he couldnt take the crap that goes on here. The lack of jobs for anyone not in government and the generally shittiness of socialism drove him to depression, so he packed up and left. Good work Derek!! I may try and get him to post on this subject once I get his new contact information.

Now, on to a little thanksgiving history. I heard a snippet of this on Rush Limbaugh yesterday before my radio cut out, so I investigated a little further. Two things struck me as wonderful about these pilgrims, one was their faith and the other was how smart they were.

First, these people fled religious persecution in England to come to America and live in harmony with people of any faith. They fared poorly at first, but survived with the help of local Indians. So now we are taught that they had a feast to give Thanksgiving to the Indians. Whoa Kemosabe, they were giving thanks to God! This is hardly ever taught and I myself was unaware. Is there a complete conspiracy to remove God from everywhere? Are lefty professors dropping him from textbooks in the hopes of reducing Republican support? What a load of shit.

Please Google George Washington and Thanksgiving. Read the proclamation he wrote for the first thanksgiving. He says God about 30 times. This leads me to wonder what would have happened to the first G.W. if he had lived today. Would the press vilify him for being a man of religion just as George Bush is? My guess is they likely would. Again, what a bunch of shit.

Back to the Pilgrims. The second smart thing they did was to renounce socialism. Let me briefly explain. The contract they had with the English company called for them to work collectively and put all the fruits of their labor into a common pool, and then each colonist could draw an equal share. Sound familiar? I thought so too. However, the governor soon noticed that this bullshit was pulling the colony down as people had no incentive to work any harder than they had to because they could keep nothing for themselves anyways. The best and brightest were being stifled because there was no need for creativity. Once the governor dropped this, the colony flourished and they were soon producing enough goods to sell and trade. Hello capitalism.
I love this story so much because some simple folk tried and rejected socialist/communist ideals hundreds of years before Marx was born. If we had learned our history better, perhaps we could have avoided all the Communist evil empires. I really doubt that though, as I am sure some lefty college professor would still be spouting ideas that if it was just tweaked a little, it would work.

Whatever boys, give it up. USA! USA!

Anyways, have a blessed holiday. God Bless America.

Kyle out.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Morning everyone,

Wanted to let everyone know my paper is all done. I am so damn excited, I might piss myself. Likely not, but just want to let you know the possibility is there.

My concern for the day is the uproar over the Marine who killed that terrorist mofo in the mosque. I would have done the same damn thing and I can't blame the kid at all. I am sure he has seen enough instances of bad guys playing dead and booby trapped bodies to know that its better to shoot than to ask questions.

If I was there and in charge of a rifle co. I would clear strongholds with flamethrowers (are these still around) and or massive artillery power before I risked myself or any friendly soldier.

Naturally, there is a lot of tut-tutting in Canada. Our media is having a field day strutting their supposed moral superiority. What a crock of shit. In the previous world wars, Canadian soldiers were bad ass mother fuckers who kicked ass and took names. Germans were petrified to fight our soldiers, who were sometimes completely ruthless in battle. There is a story I read about two Canadian soldiers in Holland in WW2 who would stake out a position, and shoot Germans for fun during lulls in the battle and bet on the results. Where has this kind of warrior spirit gone?

A couple of generations of politically correct Liberal governments has turned us into a nation of self-righteous pussies. Seriously, they have taken the fight and the morale out of a once proud military. I feel bad for our soldiers who train hard and then are sent on missions better suited for the RCMP. Let them fight for crying out loud, we are ruining a proud military tradition. It is not too late to restore Canada's place in the world. I shudder at the thought of Canada becoming a purse carrying, incense burning nation of sissies.

Kyle out.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Good Morning Everyone!

Just a quick welcome to my buddy Jason, who posted for the first time today. I just want to very briefly chime in to say that I still hate this legal memo I am working on. I was very much looking forward to burning all my research, but these hopes were crushed last night when I found out we have to do an appellate brief on the same set of facts next semester. Curses! Foiled again. I cant tell you how much I hate legal writing, its hard to keep sentences under 20 words and it sucks citing after every friggin sentence.

Moving along, I want to point out something that has been bothering me for a while. The left/Democrats consider themselves to be very tolerant and open to other peoples and their beliefs, and delight in painting the right/Republicans as being intolerant Neanderthals. Why is then, that in the wake of Bush's victory, they have taken to demeaning Middle Americans and religious people as everything from retards to enablers of evil?

Come on people, its been a long time since I have seen one group of people who are as closed minded as Democrats. For all their supposed love of diversity, they do tend to stick to their own kind and are quick to villify anyone that doesnt think like they do. Forgive me for my lack of memory here, but I recently read where someone called being Republican a character flaw.

These lovers of diversity are hopefully going to flock to Canada soon, where they can pay for state enforced diversity and multi-culturalism. Which in Canada really means, vote for the Liberals or the Toronto media will call you either: Racist, homophobic, illiterate (which would spare one from reading their shit), un-intelligent or a redneck. So I guess to sum up, the way I see left wing diversity is that you either think like them, or get called names. Where do I sign up for my red-neck name tag?

Have a Blessed Sunday.

K to the y-l-e

Hello All,
Wow, my very first posting....how exciting. My buddy Kyle was encouraging me to vent on my very own blog. Being lazy, I instead asked to co-write on his site, so with a name change.....here we are.
I'm going to fill my posts with topics such as "why socialism sucks", "why Canada pisses me off", "what's new in Taiwan", and "world economy". To my fellow Canadians who read these posts and whom will surely be offended, I apologize in advance :).
Originally from Sask., I now make my home in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. I invite everyone to click on the Taiwan link on the main page to learn a little about this beautiful, but troubled island nation.

All for now,
Carolyn Parrish, I hope you die,

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hello Y'all

Big changes in store for the blog, as you can see the title has changed, as will some of the content. I have added my friend Jason, who shares fairly similar views as I, but is different enough as to make this interesting. More news will follow as it becomes available.

To business, first a big congrats to Condi. She wil be a most excellent Secretary of State.

Second, the Democrats are completely off the deep end. I read an excerpt of some mucky muck in the Democratic party who suggested that the blue states secede from the Union. I dont know how, since they arent fans of guns. Also, I saw map on the internet that purports to show how the Red States correspoind roughly to the old slave states, and apparently this is very telling.
So to keep score, they fought the election based on what happened in Vietnam, and since they lost, they have regressed to making points based on events that occurred 150 years ago.

Please, please, please, for the sake of democracy, come up with something new.

On a personal note, I still hate this memo. I would like to poke something really sharp in my ear and then drink morphine and chase it with beer. Only then would my mind be erased of all vestiges of this damnable paper.

I still hate the Riders, in case anyone cares to know.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Hey Everyone,

Since the election is over and I now have nothing to do but school work, I am not really too sure what to blog on. So, you will now all be treated to completely incoherent ramblings about whatever I see fit.

Here we go,

I hope the death of that two bit terrorist Arafat brings some peace to the Mid East. I doubt it will happen overnight or anything, but with the major roadblock pushing up daisies, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Big Kudos to W on the win, I can breathe easier now. Also congrats to John Kerry, he bowed out with a lot of class. I wonder what the wacky left wing of the Democratic Party will do now. They wasted four years for basically nothing. They are further behind now than when they started and have allowed their party to grow stagnant with hate. They seriously need a major refit if they ever hope to hold office again. Boot the Hollywood, Michael Moore and Move On types and get in touch with mainstream America.

On a personal note, law school is going well except for the latest research memo. I hate this thing with an untold passion. It consumes my every waking moment and I think I hate it more than anything else on earth. I have also lost my Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Book, which really licks my nuts.

If this paper isnt over soon I am going to poke my own eyes out for fun, so I dont have to see it anymore. Seriously, I hate it more than I hate the Riders right now, and that is a whole bunch.

Also, in case you didnt guess, I hate the Riders. I can't believe those assholes lost. Seriously.
Where the hell was Chris Szarka? 1st and goal from the 4 and you give it to a 5'6 160 pounder. Good call Marcel......

Damn it to hell anyways.

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