Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Good afternoon everyone!! As my last post indicated, I have recently been accepted to the University of North Dakota School of Law and am super excited!! Things are looking positively excellent these days!!

The second bit of good news today revolves around this blog, I had an email link posted (Thanks Mr. Lance!!) and about an hour later I had received my hate mail!! I am stoked!! Of course there were no mentions of what the Dems would do better, just that Bush is a liar and a criminal and stupid. I am sure you know the drill. The fella also mentioned how stupid Canadians are, with our hockey and socialized medicine and such. Hmmmm, I know another guy who likes hockey and socialized medicine...............

Anyways, my cousin Denny mentioned today that I should do more on Canadian politics given that we have an election upcoming. So here goes, I pray constantly that Canadians from coast to coast will come to their senses and give the Liberal Party the boot!! These crooks have been around long enough and have dug themselves a deep grave filled with lies, corruption and graft. These same Liberals are so busy infighting and trying to cover up their own greed that I am amazed they have time to run the country. Chretien even had the gall to publically bash Prime Minister Martin in a speech he gave recently in London, England.

Paul Martin, to his credit, has tried to distance himself from that old crook Chretien, but I have some doubts to his sincerity. Martin served under Chretien for a decade, so any suggestion that he emerged from that regime untouched by corruption is laughable. I am not saying he is totally guilty, but where there is smoke, there is fire.

Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservatives, is a luxury for Canadians. He is an intelligent and very competent man who is poised to be the next leader of Canada. Born in Toronto and currently representing a western riding, he is an ideal fit for Prime Minister. Having spent many years with a think tank, Harper is uniquely in touch with what Canadians think and how they want to be governed. I sincerely hope that when the dust has settled after the next election, we will have a new Conservative government at the helm. In my opinion this will only serve to make Canada a more prosperous and respected nation, and to heal some of the wounds still lingering between Canada and the US in the wake of the Liberals refusal to support the US in Iraq.

I'm out.

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