Sunday, March 28, 2004

Hey everyone, hope your Sunday is going well! Just a really brief post today, focusing on the friends of Kerry and enemies of Bush. It seems to me that the more people that come forward to speak out against Bush, the more the American people should realize that they have the right man at the helm and that their choice for president in November should be crystal clear.

First of all Richard Clarke can and should be exposed as nothing more than a lying opportunist. This man is doing nothing more than hawking his book to anyone who will listen to him, and being that he has derogatroy comments to make about GWB, the liberal media is all over him. Clarke has a terribly short memory, for as recent as 2002 he was busy extolling the virtues of President Bush to the very same media.

Its a pretty clear indication that this man is looking out for number one and doesnt really give two hoots about this or any other administration. I pray that his book does well because I cant see him ever securing another post with any administration. Sell outs just arent that popular, but then again, if we see Hil on the Dems ticket in '08, all bets are off.

A few steps down the food chain from Clarke is that greasy little French lawyer who wants to defend Saddam Hussein. This guy obviously has a special place in hell reserved for him, hopefully as Hitler's proctologist. With the death toll under Saddam sitting around 300,000 and counting, this little jerk comes out and slams Bush for holding Saddam without any authority and for supposedly having no solid evidence of crimes committed by Saddam.

This little weasel has previously defended Nazis and other scum, so his choice of clients is nothing close to pristine. But how much of jackass do you have to be to defend a mass murderer and then make baseless accusations about the very people who put an end to the genocide? With people like this publically denouncing my boy W., who really needs endorsements?

John Kerry does, thats who!! With everyone from Screamin Howard Dean to the mysterious league of foreign gentlemen endorsing Kerry, its pretty clear that he is desperate for attention, any attention to distract the American people from his serious case of empty suit-itis.

So thats about all I have for tonight, but keep your eyes open in the coming days and weeks for more politcal intrigue. I have a feeling that Kerry is gonna start his downword slide asap. Americans arent accustomed to backing losers and they arent gonna start now!

Many thanks to my Auntie Lynne for reading this page and for her kind words as such. She is my American of the Week!! On a related note, Stop Nepotism Now!!

I'm out.

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