Tuesday, March 23, 2004


The first post today will have to be a shorty, so I am gonna start with a major pet peeve of mine. Now I can understand Liberalism to a certain extent. I am morally totally against it in all facets because of its insistence that gay marriage and abortion are unalienable rights. How a portion of society can be anti-death penalty but pro-abortion is totally beyond me. The part that I do get is that they profess to be for "the little guy" in much the same way Socialists are. That in and of itself is not a bad thing, but keep in mind that these parties tend to be so very elitist. See John Kerry. The same people who want to help the little guys with social programs raise taxes to such an extent that the "little guy" is forever condemned to stay in his station. In this regard I equate leftism as a form of feudalism for the modern era.

For years the plight of the Pinko Commies has been romanticized by intelligencia, college students and professors and those who are supposedly enlightened. They praised murderers like Castro and Guevera, made flags and t-shirts of their pinko heroes, hailed Gorbachev as a savior, and pointed to the Soviet Union as an example of a modern utopia. Now that we have a better understanding of these Communist regimes and the megalomaniacs that pervade them, one would naturally assume that people from all walks of life would renounce any form of Communism or ever Socialism. No dice my friends, the big red monster is still alive and being praised and coddled by the "useful idiots". Actors and media still go to Cuba to meet with Castro and invariably pronounce him as "misuderstood" or "a really good man". Steven Spielberg called his meeting with Castro, "the most meaningul 12 hours of his life".

Ever wonder why people disliked Reagan so much? Because he was instrumental in toppling Communism, and thereby exposing what a bullshit system it really was and is. Having nothing to else to complain about, the "enlightened people" took to calling him "stupid". Does this sound familiar at all to anyone?

Back on track here, perhaps the grand tour of Cuba should have hit on some of the politcal prisons, or the slums of Havana instead of smoking stogies and waxing eloquent with that greasy old dictator. He should thank his lucky stars the US Marines arent holding bake sales in downtown Havana. That jackass even waited until the start of hostilites in Iraq to begin jailing his opponents, knowing full well that his buddies like Katie Couric, Spielberg and Danny Glover would be in the streets protesting to save the regime of old man Saddam.

Anyways, the shorty ran long here but thats ok. To finish off the morning post, just a word on my boy W. Now I have mentioned earlier that I understand not everyone will like him, and thats fine. However, just do this little experiment. Ask Joe Average on the street whether or not he likes GWB. If they answer no, ask why not. Dollars to donuts say that he/she answers, "because he is stupid". I love it, no one has anything bad to say, so the liberal media has thoughtfully provided a catch all phrase that the whole family can remember!!! Wooooo Woooooo. I can imagine that they may be right, I bet there are lot of stupid people running countries during wartime, and being fighter pilots and attending Ivy League schools. Its really just common sense.

Anyways, I am out for the am.

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