Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Hey Everybody, I trust your Wednesday is going well!! My nose is healing up quite well today, which is a bonus. It is still quite tender to the touch but the cuts/bruising are diminishing radidly and I have only the faintest hint of black eyes.

In addition to this malady, I have decided that I need an infusion of vitamins. I have terrible trouble staying awake these days, even in the early evening. So now that everyone nows that, on to more important topics.

I am off to Grand Forks, ND and points beyond tomorrow to drop off my law school deposit and get some more info on housing and the like. I have also emailed the Students for George W. Bush inquiring how I can volunteer in the next election. I am beside myself with excitement over my upcoming studies and the impending elections in both Canada and the United States. I feel that Canada is ripe for Conservative win, which would be a Godsend for the country. We need 5 more years of Liberalism as bad as we need two official languages. I pray that the greed and depravity finally convince the eastern Canadian sheep to realize that voting for the Liberals just because the media says so is a wasted vote. I am even hopeful that the NDP make inroads in Liberal held territory so the Left can feel the negative impacts of vote splitting.

Each passing day seems to give Americans another reason not to vote for John Kerry. Yesterday it was having Ted Kennedy's weight (pun intended) thrown behind the Democratic candidate, while today it was Kerry questioning the warrant put out for Sadr's arrest and musing that this murderous little bugger might have some valid points. If there is a man alive in America today doing more to undermine the war effort in the hearts and minds of Americans, I have yet to see or hear of him. Or her, sorry ladies.

I also saw a little note that said the 9/11 Commission is reconsidering Clarke's testimony in light of recent developments. Poor fella, hope this doesnt hurt his book sales.

Finally, (sorry, I really tired) there is an excellent piece on Best of the Web today detailing the heights anti-Americanism has reached. Check it out if you have the time, its very interesting and thought provoking.

I'm out. And going to see Starsky and Hutch!!

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