Monday, April 26, 2004

Hey everyone, another slow Monday.

Just another note on Joe Clark and his endorsement of Paul Martin. This man has got to be the anti-Midas, everything he touches turns bad. Instead of going out with some class, he will be forever remembered as a turncoat. Two thumbs and toe down to Mr. Clark, hope there is a life vest for you on the sinking ship SS Liberal. (I wonder if Paul Martin owns that one too...)

It looks like John Kerry's medal controversy just wont go away. He is now denying things he has said and denied already, completely forgetting what his stance seems to be. Now the talk is over who the medals belonged to and whether or not it was the whole medal or just the ribbons. Must be one of those "nuances" Mr. Kerry keeps talking about.

The point is if he cant keep this issue straight, how is he going to run the country? Will he forget where he has deployed troops? Where the White House is? Whether or not that SUV is his or his "families"? For all the hubub the left and the media (I know, same thing) make about W being dumb, it amazes me at the flubs Kerry gets away with.

The last thing I want to mention is that if the Democrats dont come up with a new strategy, they have lost the election. No matter what mud they sling, none of seems to stick to Bush. At least not in the minds of regular Americans. Hollywood types and Beltway Dems lap it up, but the average voter knows who to trust in regards to national security. And with the economy heating up, this election should be a W victory, albeit perhaps a slim win.

I'm out.

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