Saturday, April 24, 2004

Hey everyone, I must apologize for my prolonged absense, I have been busy working and it sucks because I have so much to say.

First, Paul Martin has met with Native leaders to discuss plans for wiping out native poverty. Now this does sound like a good idea and Mr. Martin has pledged to follow thru on his promise. However, this has been promised many, many times before without anything actually being done about it. The typical solution is to just throw more money at the problem and hope it goes away. What I would suggest in this case is a one time buy out of all the treaties and then an immediate cessation of all rights and priviledges ( I would do this with Quebec too). Though this may sound harsh, it would likely serve to bring most of the Natives out of the reserves and force them to become productive members of society. I know that some Natives are currently in the work force and blah, blah, blah. But we need an across the board solution for this problem, not just a quick fix monetary solution.

The major problem here is that there a great many people who depend upon this arrangement for their livelihoods. The chiefs, counsellors, lawyers and bureaucrats who administer this white elephant will fight tooth and nail against this if it ever came into being. First, the chiefs and counsellors of many Indian bands live pretty high on the hog with the rivers of Federal gravy rolling into reserve coffers every year. Its been my experience that very little of this money makes it into the hands of those who need it most. I work at an establishment that caters to the Native population, and it seems to very unfair that chiefs, counsellors and their families get all kinds of perks and demand a ridiculous amount of attention while other members of their band come in dressed in rags and looking like they have been without a square meal for weeks.

If the government money quit rolling in, they would be devastated and would lose the massive power and prestige they currently hold. But this is a matter of equality. Put them on even footing with every other Canadian and if they want to remain in politics, they will have to run for office like everyone else. And they would have to win fair and square. They would receive the one time pay out and would be free to pursue whatever avenue of employment they wish.

My guess is that the second most vocal opponent to this would be the Indian lawyers and civil servants who also take their piece of this huge pie. They too are dependant on the goverment throwing large sums of money in their direction with little regard for where it is going and how it is being used. If Canada were to made truly equal, they would be big losers as well.

If you think this wont work, take a look at Canadians of Japanese origin. In the first half of the last century, they were treated no better than Natives, and they were confined to internment camps during the Deuce. Once released from these camps, these Canadians have flourished and prospered to the point that they now rank amonst the highest earning Canadians as a group. Its the old Bibilical adage, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish.....

On to another topic, that of Svend Robinson. This is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of in modern Canadian politics. No one in the goverment or the media seems willing to call the man what he is, a thief. If Svend were a member of the Alliance or the Bloq, he would have been called on the carpet and dismissed quicker than you can say Parizeau!! He knew he was busted and is just trying cover his own ass. And dont give me this "sickness" excuse. What a load of crap, I cant say I blame him for trying but the people who are eating this shit up and asking for seconds should have their heads examined. I have had a head injury before and have yet to embark on a crime spree. Svend is just blowing smoke up everyone's asses and it makes me sick. If you or I went to a jewellry store and just helped ourselves to some merchandise would we get to keep our jobs and pension? Would the media and RCMP turn the other cheek?
No damn way!! It seems that stealing must be very chic in Canadian government these days, everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Too bad Svend doesnt believe in God, because that is who he is eventually going to have to answer to.

I was going to say some things about John Kerry but its really becoming redundant. He flip flops and hums and hahs and really doesnt do anything. His war record is questionable (Though I dont agree with the witch hunting going on, he did serve his country, no matter what he did there), he cant decide if he is pro war or anti war, the Catholic Church wont give him Communion anymore...the list goes on. Do I really have to add to his misfortune? The polls are telling enough and by summer it will just be uglier.

Just a quick note on the CBC, can someone please pull the plug on these guys? (Except for hockey please) If they werent speaking English I would swear I was watching al-Jazeera. In addition to being anti-American, they have their heads so far up the Liberals asses that lump in Paul Martin's throat is Peter Mansbridge's chin.

To conculde, just want to wish Mr. Toomey good luck in Pennsylvania, the Republicans dont need a clown like Spectre anymore.

I'm out.

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