Monday, May 17, 2004

Leading off.....

I think its about time we dropped all the belly aching over the treatment of Iraqi prisoners and the worries about how it will play out in the "Arab Street"

Who cares!! If the roles were reversed our soldiers would be damn lucky to be only photographed naked instead of tortured. I am not saying that hurting a prisoner should be condoned, but lets put things in perspective here. We are not only fighting terrorists, but our own media and over-wrought sense of fairness. We need someone with great big nuts (I am looking at you Rumsfeld) to tell everyone to chill out and serve a reminder that there is a war going on. People did not whine and cry if a German or Japanese prisoner got pushed around in the Deuce, so why do people care now.

I'll tell ya why, its a friggin 1960s peace, love and LSD hangover that has emasculated an entire generation. Kids growing up playing soccer games that all end in ties and not being allowed to play dodge ball for fear of hurting someone's feelings are now adults who apply this mantra to foreign policy. And I for one think it sucks.

Back on track here, we must never forget that there is a war on, and the Arab Street does not give two shits what we think of them. They want ALL Westerners (and especially Jewish people) dead. They dont care if you oppose the war or not, they want Islam to be the only religion and Allah to be the only God. So it seems pretty clear that our own tolerance and acceptance of everyone and everything is a major hindrance to fighting a war.

Point Two for the day.....

Unions really give me a friggin headache. The trade unions that represent Air Canada have been blocking bail out attempts because of their refusal to accept pay cuts or restructuring. Now I understand not wanting to lose pay, but they should consider their options. The last time I looked there wasnt a bountiful number of airlines in Canada that these people could apply at if AC goes tits up. They just might find that the all powerful unions bargained them right out of a job.

Unions did have their place at one time, but I think they have run their course and are now not much more than a make work project for lazy Socialists.

Last but not least.....

I have a friend who wrote me an email today saying that she is now somewhat in favor of censorship and totally against multi-culturalism. She then went on to wonder if she was now a conservative, hoping she was not. What is it about the right-wing that scares some people? And why do these people take it upon themselves to spread myths and falsehoods about the right to further scare other portions of the citzenry that might not want or be able to think for themselves?

Just food for thought...

I'm out

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