Monday, May 31, 2004

Memorial Day 2004

Just a quick shout out to all you veterans out there, from every country. God Bless You.

The Conservative Party of Canada has issued a campaign promise today to inject 1.2 billion dollars a year into the military. This is a damn good start, but its really a drop in the bucket compared to what we need. I personally dont care if we end needing American troops to patrol out country, but if you hold the notion of a sovereign Canada dear to you, you should support the Conservatives and their plan to re-vitalize the military. If US troops move in, then we might as well lower the Maple Leaf.

I know i have mentioned this before< but why do people really care what the "Arab Street" thinks of us. For that matter I dont care what anyone thinks of us. Perhaps the Arab street should be worried what America thinks about it because if push comes to shove they will be the ones holding the short end of the stick.

I am out.

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