Saturday, June 05, 2004

Hey Everyone!

The latest Ipsos Reid poll now shows the Liberals and Conservatives in a virtual dead heat. 32 % for the Liberals and 31% for the Conservatives. This does my heart good, as the Liberals tried a shift farther left in order to garner more support and Canadians seem to have rejected this. It has always been my contention that far more Canadians are Conservative than the media let on. It would likely cause the CBC execs to spontaneously combust if they were to suggest that all Canadians arent enamored with Socialism.

Also, very sad news today on the passing of President Reagan. I will always remember him as the man who beat the Communists. While I am sure the Democrats and other America haters will try and dredge up the negative, this time of mourning should be spent remembering the man who saved the free world.

I for one endorse a national monument to this great man and hope the plans for a Ronald Reagan University are resurrected.

Has anyone seen John Kerry? Is there an international flip flop convention on?? Is it any wonder that the more John Kerry stays out of the national spotlight, the more popular he becomes in the polls?

I find it hilarious (hilarium as my friend and cousin Kelly would say) that the Democrats last great hope to beat George W. is a man who is more popular in absentia than he is in person. The more I hear from Democrats and their missing candidate, the less worried I become over the outcome of the election in November, when North America will be Conservative from Inuvik to Irving, TX and from Prince Edward Island to Pasadena.

I was trying to think of a joke today, but have nothing appropriate at press time, so I'm out.

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