Sunday, March 06, 2005

Canada: Biggest Pussy in NATO

I have just been thinking recently about Canada and our place in the world. Mostly in regards to foreign affairs.

The Liberals have tried to placate the sheep in Canada by opting out of missile defense but injecting some money into our rag tag army. What no one notices, or mentions, is that the bulk of the money is end loaded and is subject to the Liberals being re-elected and to them have budgetary surpluses.

So basically, if the money ever gets where its going, I will be shocked. They claim to be "committed to Norad" but yet our CF-18s are old and getting older and there is no replacement jet on the horizon.

Finally, Martin had the stones to suggest that he expects Canada to be consulted if the US would ever have to invade our airspace to shoot down a rogue missile. What a joke, this old fool doesnt have a clue. He almost makes me miss Chretien. At least he had nuts, too bad he used it only for corruption. Martin sold the country down the river just to gain the anti-American vote.

Too bad its the beginning of the end for the Maple Leaf. I will save my gloating when the people of the GTA are trying to decide who to send to Washington to represent them. Its either that or move to their beloved Europe or China!!

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