Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Hey everybody, hope your Tuesday is going well!! Mine is still pretty good, even though the friggin Oilers lost last night. It was a totally listless effort on their part, and they deserved to lose. That really pissed me off, but hopefully they can still put the season the out of the fire. They have a tough game against Dallas tonight and then another Saturday night vs Vancouver. Both are televised, so check em out!!

I have received no hate mail today, but thats ok, I will try harder and see what I can get today!! Today marks the beginning of the new liberal talk radio station. I for one am pretty excited to hear what kind of gems these clowns can come up with to counter this imagined "right wing dominance of the media". I guess they choose to ignore what gets said on the major networks, CNN et al. Its kind of a damning indictment that the Democrats have to counter Limbaugh, Hannity and Savage with Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo and Chuck D. That being said the liberal radio will get lots of free press, the kind of press the Rush or Hannity never really get, or at least didnt get until they were famous. I am sure there remarks will be confined to an exploration of their hatred for Bush, and there will be little real dialogue. Will they even take right wing callers? Who knows? Hoepfully the American people will realize that Garofalo isnt funny anymore, Franken never was and that Chuck D should stick to rhymin'. Peace yo!!

The good news today, other than the fact that I am going to law school baby!!, (Applicants interested in a position as a legal secretary, please forward your resumes along with an 8x10 glossy. Please note that if either Jenna or Barbara Jr apply, the position will be considered filled) is that John Kerry appears to be slipping in the polls (as I predicted). The Bush ad offensive seems to be taking hold and Americans are realizing that John Kerry is too much of a liberal for them. Barring any major disasters I foresee erry continuing to slip in the polls as more and more people realize he is an empty suit full of empty promises.

Good news that Condi is gonna testify, this should once and for all put an end Richard Clarke's little grandstand and set things right. It is kinda sad that the media are going to lose their anti-Bush poster boy, but I am sure they can dig up another opportunist soon enough. (Just to clarify, everyone knows Clarke refused to testify in 1999 right??) On a related topic, troops in Iraq continue to find facilities capable of producing WMD. The trouble is that they are "dual use" facilities and no one seems to devote much time to reporting this, which is really no surprise.

If anyone has time today, check out Ann Coulter's site. She has some good points about the media that people should know about. Also check out the link to, real good stuff on there too, and links for people interested in volunteering etc.

On a more personal note, if anyone has any suggestions as to what kind of law I should study, I would appreciate their feedback.

I'm out!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Good afternoon everyone!! As my last post indicated, I have recently been accepted to the University of North Dakota School of Law and am super excited!! Things are looking positively excellent these days!!

The second bit of good news today revolves around this blog, I had an email link posted (Thanks Mr. Lance!!) and about an hour later I had received my hate mail!! I am stoked!! Of course there were no mentions of what the Dems would do better, just that Bush is a liar and a criminal and stupid. I am sure you know the drill. The fella also mentioned how stupid Canadians are, with our hockey and socialized medicine and such. Hmmmm, I know another guy who likes hockey and socialized medicine...............

Anyways, my cousin Denny mentioned today that I should do more on Canadian politics given that we have an election upcoming. So here goes, I pray constantly that Canadians from coast to coast will come to their senses and give the Liberal Party the boot!! These crooks have been around long enough and have dug themselves a deep grave filled with lies, corruption and graft. These same Liberals are so busy infighting and trying to cover up their own greed that I am amazed they have time to run the country. Chretien even had the gall to publically bash Prime Minister Martin in a speech he gave recently in London, England.

Paul Martin, to his credit, has tried to distance himself from that old crook Chretien, but I have some doubts to his sincerity. Martin served under Chretien for a decade, so any suggestion that he emerged from that regime untouched by corruption is laughable. I am not saying he is totally guilty, but where there is smoke, there is fire.

Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservatives, is a luxury for Canadians. He is an intelligent and very competent man who is poised to be the next leader of Canada. Born in Toronto and currently representing a western riding, he is an ideal fit for Prime Minister. Having spent many years with a think tank, Harper is uniquely in touch with what Canadians think and how they want to be governed. I sincerely hope that when the dust has settled after the next election, we will have a new Conservative government at the helm. In my opinion this will only serve to make Canada a more prosperous and respected nation, and to heal some of the wounds still lingering between Canada and the US in the wake of the Liberals refusal to support the US in Iraq.

I'm out.

God morning everyone!! I woke up damn hot today because the more I think about John Kerry winning the election the more I want to make sure he doesnt. Though I am Canadian and cant vote, I can at least try and get the word out there and perhaps influence someone who can. So, as I have mentioned before, if you know an American sitting on the fence, give em a little nudge to the right.

Politics weigh heavy on my mind today, but first things first. The Oilers have a huge game tonight against the Blues in St. Louis. I cannot overstress the importance here as a win for the Oilers opens up a good gap between the two teams as the season winds down. Both teams are fairly hot right now, but I think the Oilers want that last playoff spot so much more. The additions of Nedved and Ulanov were major coups for Kevin Lowe, so kudos are in order when the boys get into the dance. Expect to see Osgood vs Conklin tonight, should be a real good match up. If the Oilers can contain the Blues offensive weapons and get a lot of shots at Osgood, they should be able to pull this one out. I havent seen them lose many one on one battles at either end of the rink in recent weeks, so lets all keep our fingers crossed.

On to bigger things, Canada first. Bill C-250 passed yesterday and just may signal a disturbing trend in Canada for religion and politics. The bill, dubbed the Svend Bill (Svend Robinson introduced it as a private members bill) basically adds homosexuals to the list of those protected against hate crimes/hate speech etc. I have absolutely no problem with that. However, where I am concerned is in the provision in the bill that effectively makes it a crime to speak out against homosexuals in a public place.

Now I am sure you are all thinking of people on streetcorners decrying the evils of homosexuality, right? As you should, but have you considered the fact that a church is a public place? If some evangelical preacher decides to give a sermon on homosexuality, there is nothing from stopping a gay rights group from taking this man or woman to court. This to me is just plain wrong and an excellent example of politcal correctness run amok. To me, it essentially punishes someone for having an opinion that goes against that of a minority group.

I doubt this will happen today or tomorrow, but sometime in the not too distant future I think a gay/lesbian rights group will try and use this law to their advantage.

On a semi-related note, it seems John Kerry used a bit of scripture to denounce W. while speaking to a church group recently. This slays me, first Kerry has tried to attack W on his record as a war time president while offering no alternatives. Then he uses the Bible to go after one of the most Christian presidents in recent history. Does he have no shame? I know Kerry is or at least professes to be Catholic, but it seems to me that he is using his religion to his politcal advantage without actually following his own personal religious doctrine. Sort of like getting the milk without buying the cow.

I have many things to get to today as I was just accepted into the University of North Dakota School of Law, I will post again a little later after I have my errands done.

I'm out

Monday, March 29, 2004

Good afternoon everyone, lots to get to today, so I may stick to a couple of topics and post the rest tomorrow or Wednesday, so lets get going. First of all just want to hit really quickly on Richard Clarke again. I have mentioned his blatant opportunism and all that, but today I want to mention two other things. First, if he was such a big player in the Clinton and Bush administrations, why does he neglect to mention what was going on during Clinton's 8 year tenure? And if he knew what was going to happen, why didnt he insist that Bush do something? In my opinion, he is trying to overly sanitize his role and the role he played under President Clinton. I am going to post more on this in the coming days, so keep your eyes out.

The second thing I want to mention about this debacle is the outrage of the Democrats over the Republicans lashing back at Clarke. They are crying foul and labelling the attack as personal, yada yada yada. Now think back to who was doing the bashing in the wake of the Lewinsky affair. These same Democrats had no problem calling Kenneth Starr every name in the book and portraying Linda Tripp as an evil hatemonger. They even went so far as to focus on her weight in a series of offensive and vicious attacks, culminating in having John Goodman portray her in Saturday Night Live. Just another example of how liberal the media really is and how they can put the spin on any subject.

My opinion on this whole matter is that Republicans should go on the offensive and not back off on any subject rather than waiting for the Democrats to draw blood and then play damage control. The Kerry Democrats are trying to attack President Bush's strength to mask their own shortcomings on the same subject. Its an old trick that is currently working, though I am confident the house of cards will come crashing down soon enough.

Make no mistake, George W. Bush is fighting and winning the war on terror. He is also winning out over our supposed allies who tried to stop the Iraq war for their own greedy reasons. Please keep in mind that what the Democrats are doing right now. Are they assisting in the fight on terrorism? No, they are trying to bring down and shame the one man (along with his advisors and the gallant US military) who is fighting back. Is this who you want to be in charge of your lives and future?

I am going to post some more tomorrow on Kerry's speech to a church group and about Canada's new Bill C-250 (the Svend Bill). Both very interesting topics. I am going to devote the remainder of today into trying to improve this site and making it a little prettier.

I'm out.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Hey, many thanks to my boy Fred for doing a follow up to my Canada-US relations post. I was under the influence of Captain Morgan at the time. (Aye, aye mon Capitain!!) His post was very eloquent and to the point, I am not all over all the points due to some philosophical differences. But good stuff all the same!! And to clarify, I think Ben Mulroney is good stuff and I cant say enough about Jenna and Barbara Jr. Call me ladies!!

I will try and post some more fun stuff next week, jokes and top ten lists etc.

You can check Fred's post here by clicking on the Steve Lance link to your right.

I'm out

Hey everyone, hope your Sunday is going well! Just a really brief post today, focusing on the friends of Kerry and enemies of Bush. It seems to me that the more people that come forward to speak out against Bush, the more the American people should realize that they have the right man at the helm and that their choice for president in November should be crystal clear.

First of all Richard Clarke can and should be exposed as nothing more than a lying opportunist. This man is doing nothing more than hawking his book to anyone who will listen to him, and being that he has derogatroy comments to make about GWB, the liberal media is all over him. Clarke has a terribly short memory, for as recent as 2002 he was busy extolling the virtues of President Bush to the very same media.

Its a pretty clear indication that this man is looking out for number one and doesnt really give two hoots about this or any other administration. I pray that his book does well because I cant see him ever securing another post with any administration. Sell outs just arent that popular, but then again, if we see Hil on the Dems ticket in '08, all bets are off.

A few steps down the food chain from Clarke is that greasy little French lawyer who wants to defend Saddam Hussein. This guy obviously has a special place in hell reserved for him, hopefully as Hitler's proctologist. With the death toll under Saddam sitting around 300,000 and counting, this little jerk comes out and slams Bush for holding Saddam without any authority and for supposedly having no solid evidence of crimes committed by Saddam.

This little weasel has previously defended Nazis and other scum, so his choice of clients is nothing close to pristine. But how much of jackass do you have to be to defend a mass murderer and then make baseless accusations about the very people who put an end to the genocide? With people like this publically denouncing my boy W., who really needs endorsements?

John Kerry does, thats who!! With everyone from Screamin Howard Dean to the mysterious league of foreign gentlemen endorsing Kerry, its pretty clear that he is desperate for attention, any attention to distract the American people from his serious case of empty suit-itis.

So thats about all I have for tonight, but keep your eyes open in the coming days and weeks for more politcal intrigue. I have a feeling that Kerry is gonna start his downword slide asap. Americans arent accustomed to backing losers and they arent gonna start now!

Many thanks to my Auntie Lynne for reading this page and for her kind words as such. She is my American of the Week!! On a related note, Stop Nepotism Now!!

I'm out.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Its another Saturday night........

So thats all the Jimmy Buffett I am prepared to sing tonight, but the main thing is that I am hammered. Its all good in the hood when you gots the rum and coke. So for tonight we will do a quick movie review, and then an editorial on Canada-US relations and give some props to Womack.

I saw the movie Hidalgo last night and though it is not a bad story as such, it seems to be far too long. The movie revolves a long distance horse race across the Middle East near the end of 1800's. The main character, Frank Hopkins, as played by Viggo Mortensen is a cowboy of mixed ancestry who has gained fame for his success in long distance horse races with his horse Hidalgo. To make a long story short, he ends up facing trials and tribulations racing across the desert and in the process learns about himself, battles his demons and wins the race. Like I said, a good story overall but its totally a renter. Dont go if you are sleepy because you will never make it through the film. Can anyone tell I have had a few too many.

The second topic is Canadian-American relations. I am not talking about governmental relations but citizen to citizen relations. There has been some animosity back and forth across the border for years, but this past year has seen a dramatic increase of anti-American sentiment in Canada. Its all the typical stuff, like "Americans are so stupid and so uncultured." What a bunch of crap!! If Canadians are so tolerant and open minded, then why do we save our most venomous speech for our American brethren? These people are decent, hard working and freedom loving folk and yet we seem to hold to have more sympathy for Communists (Cuba for cheap holidays) and terrorists (see Immigration Canada). Even though I desperately want to be an American, the fact remains that I am still a Canadian. As such, I am not going to say anything derogatory about this country. However, I feel its ok to mention that we are very narrow minded when it comes to Americans. They are good people and good fun times, so lets just get along and drop this haughty, look down our noses bullshit and stick together. ( I am sure the influence of my friend Captain Morgan are more than evident by this time).

If we dont stand with America, then we are no better than those stinky cheese eating Frenchies. Sorry mon amis, but sometimes you guys suck monkey pole.

I am gonna wrap this up quick before I pass out, but just want to give the old shout out to my boy Womack!! There is one damn fine American. Congrats to him and his lovely wife on the impending birth of their second child. Everyone go out and hug an American!!!! Oh yeah, and if you are interested in some first class waterfowling this fall, contact Brian at, you will be glad you did!

I'm out, have an awesome Saturday night and please visit your local church, temple, synagogue or mosque tomorrow. It will do you a world of good.

I'm out.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Hey everyone, just watching John Kerry's speech on CNN. What a clown, first he is pretty much repeating what Bush just said, tax cuts, smaller government etc. Then he promised no more dependance on foreign oil in 10 years and cutting the deficit in half in 4 years. What concerns me is that he said we might have to do without some things in order to do this. So to recap, less tax and lower deficit at something's expense....

Any guesses?

My first guess is the military would be hit very hard!! Yep, he just said it, limit overseas involvement. So I guess he figures its cheaper to talk it out with the terrorists and see whats bugging them.

One last thing that I forgot to mention earlier this week. While John Kerry was skiing recently he was observed to fall no fewer than 6 times. When questioned by reporters he denied it and then blamed it on his Secret Service agent, whom he referred to as a "son of a bitch". Thats really cute. What a sweetie Kerry is??

The falling and name calling aside, what pisses me off is that this story made almost no news. There were pictures and no major stories. Contrast this to 1996 when Bob Dole fell off a stage in Colorado (?). There were front page pictures in major newspapers and features on CNN. Still think the media isnt liberal??

I'm out.

Morning everyone, I am posting today from Saskatchewan where the weather has turned for the worse. I am still not really sure what I am going to post on today, so it might be a Heinz 57 today (but not a Theresa Heinz-Kerry '57).

To start with lets hit the Pacific Rim. I have been doing a lot of reading on Taiwan recently as well as absorbing what my boy Kleiner has to say on the subject, since he is in country. This whole situation gets my goat, they have applied to the UN something like 20 times and have been rejected everytime. This is a damn shame. Here is a country that has pulled itself from the grips of a totalitarian regime and has a fledging democracy, a booming economy and a well educated populace with something to offer, and they are ignored.

The rejection obviously stems from the UN's lack of, shall we say marbles, when it comes to China. These pansies would rather turn a blind eye than risk drawing the ire of China. If the UN really cared about human rights and keeping world peace, they would tell China to "smoke a pole" and leave Taiwan alone. We wont see that happen any time soon because the UN is so friggin corrupt and bus trying to pull their heads out of each others asses that they have totally missed the boat.

The Taiwan situation is right up there with the UN's shameful treatment of Israel. These bastards let every tin pot dictator heap abuse on the Israelis but wont even admit a prosperous little Asian nation, ya thats right, a nation. China has no claim over Taiwan other than the fact that the Taiwanese have Chinese blood, so I say to Red China, kiss my ass.

As I am posting, I received an email from Kleiner detailing the situation in Taiwan. Its not a good scene at all. Please keep this in mind as the Americans (Democrats) seek to gain political points by pointing fingers over 9/11. How stupid, its done now its time to fight back, get over it you whiny Democrats.

My boy Bush kinda let me down a bit at the Reporters Dinner and Roast or whatever it was the other night. I can appreciate that he is a pretty funny guy and trying to poke fun at himself, but the crack about the WMD wasnt that funny given that many young soldiers have died looking for them.

That being said, he is still the man for the job and I feel the American people are going to begin to recognize that Kerry is all fluff, French looking fluff. He has nothing to say other than that he doesnt like W. Now this is still ok with the anti-Bush crowd and the lefties, but regular Americans wont be swayed by this bull crap.

Now for some fun stuff, just some of my own likes etc.

Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite TV Show: Hockey Night in Canada and Trailer Park Boys (tie)
Dream Job: Major League Relief Pitcher (hey, you work a few innings a night, and then watch ball, eat seeds and throw your hotel key to pretty girls in the stands)

Joke of the Week:

An old man is lying in hospital on his deathbed with his son at his side. The old man tells his son not to worry as he has led a good life and all that, and then asks for a priest and a membership application for the Democratic Party. The son understands the priest well enough, but knowing his father to be a lifelong Republican, is shocked at his request to become a Democrat. The son asks his dad why only to be told that the answer will reveal itself soon enough. A few hours pass and the father is fading quickly,the son decides to ask one more time why the dad wanted to be a Democrat. The old man pulls him close and just before he slips away, he whispers in his sons ear, "One less Democrat!"

I'm out, have a good weekend.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Hey everybody, have a few things to get to today, so no time shall be wasted. As you can tell I am having a very productive day at work thus far, not near as productive as the Israeli soldiers who recently stopped a suicide (homicide??) bomber at a checkstop. This young man admitted that he was carrying explosives and that he was scared and didnt want to die. The soldiers helped the boy disarm the device, with the aid of a robot, and returned him to his family. It has since been revealed that the boy has a diminished mental capactity. Thats just awesome, the PLO recruited a mentally handicapped person to kill Israelis. Gives one a little bit of insight into what exactly the Israelis have to face everyday. These Hamas butt licks are trying to coax naive youngsters into killing themselves and innocent civilians to further their own murderous motives. I bet you any money no children of prominent PLO figures are ever asked to sacrifice their lives for Allah. This is nothing short of disgusting and shameful.

My next question would be why do people continue to make excuses for these lawless terrorists? I have mentioned previously that concessions dont work. The only one they want, in this specific case, is for every Jew to be pushed into the sea. This cant and wont happen, so they continue their "armed stuggle" against the supposed infidels. If you dont believe in good vs evil, take a look here. The PLO and Hamas operate under the mantra of death while the Israelis cherish life. It would have been both easy and acceptable for the checkpoint soldiers to fire on the suicide bomber. Instead they chose to spare his life and help him to perhaps live out his days in peace, rather than die in pieces.

This whole episode begs me to take another shot at the UN. While I am more than a fan of their humanitarian efforts (except for the Oil for Food scam) I still feel they have lost their relevance and are in danger of becoming or have already become a modern day League of Nations. The UN as it stands today is a corrupt and inconsequencial body that allows too many nations to use it as a forum to espouse their anti-Semitic, anti-America or anti-Israel ideals. For the UN to regain any relevance it needs to turf these nations who abuse human rights at home but use the UN as a platform to condemn other nations. The standards for entry must go up dramatically and the Security Council needs a makeover. France needs to be turfed and China needs to be reminded that certain responsibilites come with a place of power. (ie Stop threatening Taiwan and stop the human rights abuses).

Okay, thats it for the UN or else I will be here all damn day. The next little tidbit is on medicine, socialized medicine to be exact. Now my conservative brethren may disagree, but I dont really have a concern with public health care. We pay for health care either through taxes or insurance premiums, so it might as well be open to everyone. What pisses me off are the abuses that go on in socialized medicine. Unnecessary hospital visits, unfair billing and the lack of funding make it a nearly unsustainable venture. Health care in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is going down hill fast. Its a crime that people have to wait as long as they do for urgents tests and procedures. Where does all the government money go? I certainly have a great deal of respect for all the health care professionals who fight an uphill battle everyday, but I am sure they see the writing on the wall as well.

Its up to the government to get serious and really step in to remedy the problem before our health care system implodes. End of story.

Sorry about the boredom todays post may have inflicted on everyone, I am kind of tired today. So to close up, just a note that I will soon be linked with Its a pretty good site that even my liberal friends should check out, that means you Klein. I know you arent really a liberal, you just have some liberal tendencies. (jk)

Also remember to keep Taiwan in your thoughts, its again being menaced by Red China and is a real flashpoint area. Here's hoping my boy W. does the right thing and tells China to back off. If he is serious about the preservation of freedom and democracy, this has to be done. If the unthinkable happens and China invades, look for me to be posting from my M1-A1 (Note to recruiters: Come on, help a Canadian out, let me into the Armored) as I help to send those Red Chinese back where they came from and then hang around for a little sightseeing and Kung-Pow Chicken with my boy Kleiner.

Sorry to ramble on, but in addition to Taiwan, remember those people jailed by Castro and those freedom loving Kurds in Syria who are starting to rise up against their Baathist leaders. And people think America isnt winning the war on terror, take a look at whats goin baby. (See Syria, Libya et al).

Last thing, as per one of my critics, I will try and refrain from calling anyone a pinko. Unless they really need it.

Come Canadians, get your American friends to vote Bush-Cheney 04, you will be glad you did.

I'm out

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hey Guys, I know I have been alluding to putting on some stuff about myself, but its gonna have to wait until the weekend at least. I have more John Kerry stuff for today and then maybe a little UN for tomorrow, just stuff that has been stuck in my craw for a little while.

For today, I want to touch on a few points that seem to me to be key reasons not to elect John Kerry. I have 5 or 6 in mind, but if I get on a roll it could be way more. So here goes...

1. An elected Kerry would mean a more European America. By that I mean a concession giving, French loving wimp ass country who would bend over for the UN and pass the vaseline every chance it gets.

2. This left leaning America under Kerry would likely appoint left leaning supreme court justices. With these people in place you can expect to see an all out assault on guns, gay marriages on every corner and partial birth abortions(infanticide) readily and widely available.

3. John Kerry's America would seek to give concessions to terror groups, ignore Israel and try and open a dialogue to "really understand" the terrorists. He doesnt seem to understand that terrorists dont like America period. Giving in to their whims and demands is not going to help.

4. Affirmative action will not only be continued, it will be expanded and the only people discriminated against will be white males. Now before people freak out and hand me a white sheet, let me qualify this. Does affirmative action really help? Or is it a way to keep minorites down by telling them, "Look, your grades might not be good enough or you arent really qualified, but come on in anyways!!" What incentive does this provide for anyone to do better? Absolutely none. Put yourself in the shoes of two different parents. The minority parent who's son or daughter gets into a school but their friends with better marks etc dont. What do you tell your child? Its ok baby, dont worry about your grades, you can get anything because you are a minority.

Or the white or Asian parent who has to tell their child that they werent accepted because they are white or Asian.

This attempt to eradicate racism is so misguided because all it does is perpetuate racism.

5. The Democrats would begin a distastrous shift towards the far left. I know that people who consider themselves liberals have good hearts. I would ask that they take a long hard look at what liberalism has come to represent. It is no longer the movement that was championed by great statesmen such as FDR and JFK. Liberalism is now perverted by the Marxist and Maoist influences that seeped in during the 1960s.

6. The military would take a tremendous beating under Kerry. This man has voted against every major military aquisition during his time in office. If Kerry had his way, the military would be fighting the war on terror with 1970s era weapons. This man even voted against flak jackets for the military. For someone who constantly harps on his war record, he shows little regard for the brave men and women in uniform.

It seems that my furor has died out rather quickly today, but I am sure I will be able to post again later today as soon as I find the list of points I was going to make today.

Just a brief closing remark on a different topic. I have had many friends see the "Passion of the Christ" and lament that while they thought it was a good film, they wished it would have shown more insight into Christ himself. I hear what they are saying but want to point out that the title of the the film.."The Passion..." refers specifically to the events surrounding Christs crucifixtion. Thats what Passion means. No harm done, just thought maybe some people were unaware.

I'm out. Vote Bush-Cheney '04

Note: If you are a Canadian like myself but are concerned about a Kerry led America, talk to your American friends, relatives and pen pals. If some of them dont vote, try and convince them to get out there and cast their vote on November 2nd. Put another nail in Osama's coffin.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Hello all, just wanting y'all to know I may change my web address, but I will keep you posted!!

I'm out.


The first post today will have to be a shorty, so I am gonna start with a major pet peeve of mine. Now I can understand Liberalism to a certain extent. I am morally totally against it in all facets because of its insistence that gay marriage and abortion are unalienable rights. How a portion of society can be anti-death penalty but pro-abortion is totally beyond me. The part that I do get is that they profess to be for "the little guy" in much the same way Socialists are. That in and of itself is not a bad thing, but keep in mind that these parties tend to be so very elitist. See John Kerry. The same people who want to help the little guys with social programs raise taxes to such an extent that the "little guy" is forever condemned to stay in his station. In this regard I equate leftism as a form of feudalism for the modern era.

For years the plight of the Pinko Commies has been romanticized by intelligencia, college students and professors and those who are supposedly enlightened. They praised murderers like Castro and Guevera, made flags and t-shirts of their pinko heroes, hailed Gorbachev as a savior, and pointed to the Soviet Union as an example of a modern utopia. Now that we have a better understanding of these Communist regimes and the megalomaniacs that pervade them, one would naturally assume that people from all walks of life would renounce any form of Communism or ever Socialism. No dice my friends, the big red monster is still alive and being praised and coddled by the "useful idiots". Actors and media still go to Cuba to meet with Castro and invariably pronounce him as "misuderstood" or "a really good man". Steven Spielberg called his meeting with Castro, "the most meaningul 12 hours of his life".

Ever wonder why people disliked Reagan so much? Because he was instrumental in toppling Communism, and thereby exposing what a bullshit system it really was and is. Having nothing to else to complain about, the "enlightened people" took to calling him "stupid". Does this sound familiar at all to anyone?

Back on track here, perhaps the grand tour of Cuba should have hit on some of the politcal prisons, or the slums of Havana instead of smoking stogies and waxing eloquent with that greasy old dictator. He should thank his lucky stars the US Marines arent holding bake sales in downtown Havana. That jackass even waited until the start of hostilites in Iraq to begin jailing his opponents, knowing full well that his buddies like Katie Couric, Spielberg and Danny Glover would be in the streets protesting to save the regime of old man Saddam.

Anyways, the shorty ran long here but thats ok. To finish off the morning post, just a word on my boy W. Now I have mentioned earlier that I understand not everyone will like him, and thats fine. However, just do this little experiment. Ask Joe Average on the street whether or not he likes GWB. If they answer no, ask why not. Dollars to donuts say that he/she answers, "because he is stupid". I love it, no one has anything bad to say, so the liberal media has thoughtfully provided a catch all phrase that the whole family can remember!!! Wooooo Woooooo. I can imagine that they may be right, I bet there are lot of stupid people running countries during wartime, and being fighter pilots and attending Ivy League schools. Its really just common sense.

Anyways, I am out for the am.

Monday, March 22, 2004

March 22, 2004

Morning everyone! Now that the election campaigns have begun in earnest in both Canada and the US, I will devote the lion's share of the weekly posts to politics. However, there will still be Kyle time, hockey time and baseball time. So don't worry.

I think today I will focus on John Kerry and maybe throw in some tidbits about the man I see as the Dukakis for the new millenium.

So we all know that Senator Kerry served in Vietnam and was awarded the Purple Heart, more than once actually. I would never and will never dispute the fact that Kerry fought and shed blood for his country. One of Kerry's comrades has suggested that Kerry wasn't the gung ho soldier he professes to be and in fact tried to avoid contact with the enemy whenever possible. Kerry's only rebuttal to this accusation was to call the man a "Republican".

However, Kerry's record once he returned home is dispicable. He so much as called his fellow soldiers murderers and quite possibly attended a meeting of a radical veterans group that was committed to the assassination of US Senators that supported the war. Further into Senator Kerry's career, he has voted against nearly every bill designed to aid the military. He tried to shoot down everything from the Bradley Fighting Vehicle to body armor for soldiers to combat pay for soldiers. Not exactly what you would call a true friend of the military.

Old Flip Flop Kerry also has an abysmal attendance record in the Senate. The man who votes for things before he votes against them rarely shows up. The last time he did (as far as I know) was to vote on a gun control bill. So much for Kerry portraying himself as an avid hunter.

Finally, the International Man of Mystery, who came out and said that unnamed foreign leaders want him to be President before declaring he no longer wants foreign endorsments has received a few doozies over the last little while. The former Prime Minister of Malaysia (a rabid anti-Semite), the Socialist Prime Minister-Elect of Spain, and everyone's favorite despot, Kim Jong Il of North Korea have all come out in favor of Senator Kerry. The North Koreans even broadcast his speeches on state radio. With ringing endorsements like these, why does George W. even bother??

I could go on and on about Mr. Kerry, but would likely get carpal tunnel syndrome. Instead I will just mention again that I love the fact that liberals and their ilk hate GWB so much that they will resort to anything to get him ousted. They even seem to like terrorists more than their own President.


The Israelis have assassinated the Palestinian spiritual leader recently (I forget his name) and the ensuing condemnations from everyone come as no surprise. I cant say I blame the Israelis for this one as they are engaged in a war with the Palestinians that no one seems to recognize. Are they just supposed to endure random acts of violence against their citizens and take it with a grin? If I were in their shoes and had to share space with a terrorist organization like the PLO who are the darling of the far left and peace protestors the world over, I would be a little edgy too. Its high time that we put anti-Semitism to bed for good so the world can move on to a more prosperous future.


Congratulations to Mr. Harper for winning the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. Hopefully the new party will have much success in the upcoming election and oust the tired and corrupt Liberal government. I would go so far as to predict a new wave of optimism and prosperity in Canada if this were to come to fruition. It would also do wonders for Canada-US relations.

I am likely going to post again later today.

I'm out.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Hey, just wanted to include a new URL and to change my title.

I'm out

Saturday, March 20, 2004

March 20th, 2004

I woke up today with a wicked bad headache, resulting from my helmetless head smacking off the ice at last night's hockey game. There was a little blood and ringing in my ears, but I finished the game. Saskatchewan tough yo!! I went to the ER, but didnt want to wait 3 hours for the doctor to tell me to rest and take it easy. Or worse yet, spend the night in a hospital hallway for observation.

So anyways, the Oilers won big last night and are now only two points out. I am pretty confident they can squeak in, but am worried that they might be out of gas before the playoffs roll around. Today's blog is all scrambled, like my head today. I cant seem to keep a straight line of thinking, so bear with me.

Moving along to crime, this whole Martha Stewart thing pisses me off. I am no financial or legal expert by any stretch of the imagination, but this totally screams witch hunt to me. No pun intended. I think that Martha is being unfairly persecuted (prosecuted) for her wealth and success. If Martha does jail time, I think that would be a travesty of justice. For those of you who point out that she has been convicted of a criminal offence, I agree with you, the law is the law. However, keep in mind that Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) was convicted on child pornography charges, but pleaded to a lesser charge and will receive no jail time. So to review, Martha may do 20 months, and a child pornography perve walks.
Thats pretty fair hey?

Another example is the fact that Kobe Bryant may walk. Now he has not been tried or anything yet, but where there is smoke there is fire. If he also walks upon been found guilty, I will puke. That would make a convicted rapist and child pornographer walk while a woman who broke some monetary law goes to jail over $40 grand. I am not saying that is right, but it seems very unfair.


I watched GWB's Florida campaign speech today. Real good stuff. I know that some people dont like him, especially the Democrats and the far Left. The only thing I ask is this: Take a second and decide why you don't like him. Is is because the CBC or other pinko media outlets say not to? Is it because you hear protestors and the like decrying him as the reincarnation of Hitler? Just take stock of what he has done and decide for yourself. The man has a plan and is trying to do good in the world and I think that should be respected. Also please notice that his opponents have no plan, all they do is cry foul at everything GWB does and resort to personal attacks. Has any Democrat or Leftist said what they would do better? No. They just say, "oooooooooooooo GWB is a bad man" and offer no viable alternative. Those who do just hide behind the UN and leave everything up to that crooked body of terrorist apologists.

More on the UN later. It really gets me pissed so thats a topic for when my head doesn't hurt. All the hot button topics will follow, along with some personal info on myself. Likes, dislikes and all that stuff.

So ya, thats probably about it for me today. I have a wicked bad headache and feel pretty scrambled. Now I am off to cut my roomie's hair. Rocpile is very trusting.

I'm out.

Friday, March 19, 2004

March 19, 2004

I had totally intended to do some serious political blogging today, but am not up for it. I am dismayed at the Liberal media and their love affair with that French looking Kerry. Speaking of the French, is anyone aware that are conducting joint naval exercises with China on the eve of the Taiwanese elections? They are also pressuring the EU to end the arms embargo against China. Just can't trust the French. I am sure the French people aren't all as underhanded as their government, but I wish they would quit looking down their noses at America.

So much for no politcking, what I want to talk about is CFL football today. The Saskatchewan Roughriders are going into camp with 4 capable quarterbacks and will likely trade one before the season starts. The rumors out of Regina are that Kevin Glenn wants to be traded, but he may be one of the better QBs. His concern is that Nealon Greene has been named the de facto #1 starter. Greene is a decent QB but is really nothing more than a running back with a good arm. I think the Riders should try and utilize a strong armed pivot who can stretch the field a little as teams key in on the Rider's running ability too much these days. I say trade Greene for some defensive help and let Burris and Glenn fight for #1.

Big game tonight for the Oilers, a tilt agains the Nashville Predators. Here's hoping the Oil pull off a win and climb a little closer to that last playoff spot.


It was soooooooo friggin windy today that I can hardly stand it, but on the bright side, I have hockey tonight followed by a little light drinking with Steve Lance and Lucy.

Good night y'all, I'm out.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Ok, as I was saying, the recent decision of the Spaniards signals perhaps the beginning of a very disturbing trend. If an election can be swayed and troops pulled from a country in the wake of the death of innocent civilians, then every two bit terrorist outfit will try the same thing. Countries who have supported the war on terror are even more at risk now that Spain has turned tail. I think the American people would never bow to that kind of pressure, but other countries whose populations lack the backbone of America could experience a new form of politicking.

On the same subject, I had the extreme displeasure of of hearing a man call in to the Phil Hendrie radio program and suggest that he would be okay with a small scale terrorist attack on American soil if it would get John Kerry elected. How sick is this clown? Anyone who would sacrifice American lives, or any lives for that matter, to get a government elected should be tried on treason charges.

Local Politics

Kudos to the new leader of the Saskatchewan Party, Brad Wall. Here's hoping that he can put pressure on the NDP socialists and perhaps get a vote of Non-Confidence. There still may be hope for Saskatchewan if people can be awaked from the slumber that is the Socialist Utopia. Government and crown corporation workers would have to compete in the real world of private companies and back away from the public trough. Why not a tax exemption for new and/or existing businesses to garner some interest and investment in Saskatchewan? A little bit of capital and some new blood would do a world of good and bring votes for the right wing and new people to the province. No more NDP lifers and government pawns voting for socialism to keep their 10 to 3 jobs. Perhaps some of the NDP youth that pervade the universities will even wise up and notice that if they can't work at the government they are doomed to a life of minimum wage work in good ol' Saskatchewan


I am wicked excited for baseball to start, is there anything better than playing ball all summer?
More to follow on this.

Daily Sign Off

Many thanks to Steve Lance for introducing me to the blogspot!! Here's hoping to many more days of productive blogging. Pictures, links and such to follow.

I'm out.

Hello Everyone!!

Well, March is almost over and that means I have some distractions from politics and such. The NHL playoffs are right around the corner and the Oilers are making their final push. 4 points out as of this morning with a 4 pointer against Nashville tomorrow night. Nedved was an excellent addition and hopefully the Salo trade will provide enough budget room to resign Petr. He is the big centre we need and he plays well with Dvorak. So yeah, thats my thoughts on the Oilers for now. As the blog matures, look for features on the Oilers abyssmal drafting and other posts about the Boys on the Bus.

Now for politics, world politics first. Spain's recent decision to cave in to terrorism and elect a socialist appeasment goverment is truly dangerous. It gives the terrorists of the world a mucn needed victory when they have done nothing but lost ground the last couple of years.

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